Erev Shabbos 20th of Teves
4:18 PM – Hadlokas Neiros
4:36 PM Shkiyah
4:55 PM Mincha
8:00 PM Parsha Shiur with by R’ Shalom Tyberg sponsored this week by Dr. Joshua Tyberg.
Zemiros and Farbrengen to follow.
Shabbos Day 21st of Teves
9:30 AM Shachris
9:38 AM – Last Zman Shema
4:30 PM – Mincha / Shalosh Seudos
Shalosh Seudos sponsored לע’נ ר’ ישעיהו בן ר’ משה
4:36 PM Shkiyah
5:23 PM Maariv
9:15 AM Shachris (Followed by Breakfast)
Mincha next week will be at 4:55 PM